
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Thematic Photographic: Yellow

It's a colour that I love, so I was pleased when I saw that Carmi's theme for Thematic Photographic this week was yellow. I did wonder though, how many yellow photos I'd find in my files. I knew there'd be sunflowers, daffodils, kowhai (a New Zealand tree that flowers in springtime) and various other yellow flowers, but I wanted something a bit different. That was quite hard to find - I seem to have plenty of photos that feature blue and green, but not so many yellow (apart from the aforementioned flowers)

Eventually I came up with these:

The Antigua Boatsheds, a well-known Christchurch tourist spot.

An intriguing piece of art at sculptor Josie Martin's Akaroa garden

More subtle - lichen on rocks and old wood:

And, since it's autumn here, and since I love this photo even though it's almost as cliched as daffodils, autumn leaves in Hagley Park:


photowannabe said...

Terrific original choices for the color yellow. I like your variety.

Kay Cooke said...

I love the photos. I too am a fan of the colour yellow. Apparantly a lot of men aren't fond of it as a colour, I don't know where I heard that snippet of info. I wonder if it's true? Australian men seem to like it! So maybe it's a myth.

Pamela said...

very creative yellows. And never say autumn leaves are cliched. The beauty of the fall is always a spectacle of nature to behold and appreciate!

Kay Cooke said...

I've given you an award. Pop over and see what it is all about.

Unknown said...

great choices for the theme yellow... can't pick a favorite, i like them all!

janie said...

love the lichen , it's like somebody splattered some yellow paint as they walked by:) said...

liking the YELLOW rocks