
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday Poem

Tomorrow is the first anniversary of the February 22nd earthquake - not our first earthquake, but the one in which people died. The September 4th (2010) quake, though larger in magnitude, now seems more like a dress rehearsal.

Some of the Tuesday Poets have commemorative poems. Others - not based in Christchurch - have lovely poems on other topics. For myself, as I don't have anything appropriate, and don't really want to post anything else, I have decided to skip a week. You can explore all the Tuesday Poems by visiting the main hub site.


Helen Lowe said...

Catherine, but don't you have that wonderful poem about cranes on the skyline and snow in the hallway?

That would be a great Earthquake Tuesday Poem. :)

Catherine said...

Well, yes ... I didn't think of that one on Tuesday, but I just have to decide if I want to submit it for publication somewhere first...