
Monday, December 11, 2006

Haiku Monday

This week's theme at onedeepbreath is "containers".

a small square box
of many coloured papers -
worlds not yet folded

a jar of buttons
from discarded garments
fastens memories


Shelley said...

Wow, TWO great haiga! Thank you for sharing these.

I will try to carry them with me in my head today as a treat.

Becca said...

Wonderful! Love the "jar of buttons" that "fastens memories"

Great job!

Julie said...

The first is so appropriate for this time of year with the need for thank-you notes fast approaching.

I love the "fastens memories" with the buttons--perfect!

Julie said...

The first is so appropriate for this time of year with the need for thank-you notes fast approaching.

I love the "fastens memories" with the buttons--perfect!

get zapped said...

'Wow', 'Wonderful', the first two words out of my mouth. Excellent way in which in brought the essence of each container to life!

Roswila said...

I particularly like the first one, photo and ku. Lovely.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love the worlds not yet folded of the first haiku. That's a lovely box in the photo too.

Anonymous said...

Love, them both, but the button jars grabs me, I like the connection to memories.

kerrdelune said...

Bravo!!! A perfect marriage of imagery and haiku.

Anonymous said...

Excellent photos illustrating your two haiku (haiga?) I especially like the button jar haiku, having a button collection myself, and one I inherited from a little-known grandmother. I look at her collection and think wistfully "If only these buttons could talk."

Anonymous said...

I love your haiku, too. And the images that accompany them. Sadly, I cannot write haiku. I just don't have that sort of poetry-writing skill set.

Deb R said...

"words not yet folded"

Aaahhh, I love that. Both your haiku are lovely!

Panthergirl said...

Terrific haiku!

Anonymous said...

I don't know which I like better your pictures, or your haiku.
