The warm weather we have been having all autumn is continuing, though it cooled down a little over the weekend. Still no rain. The first day of winter (June 1st) was 6 degrees warmer than the first day of summer! And I think I spotted cherry blossom when driving through Hagley Park - I need to stop on the way home from work this week and check whether my eyes were deceiving me.
Yesterday I went for a walk up the hills with my camera. I'm a bit tired of the standard "view from the top" or "landscape with sheep" shots, though. So I looked for something else.
The way the sun caught these grasses took my eye. It's a colour shot, though it came out almost monochrome.

I clambered up a bank to get up close and personal with the remains of an abandoned car:

I've had trouble photographing spider webs. I realised that of course, the autofocus on the camera doesn't "see" the fine web, and focuses on the background detail instead. I need to get out the manual to find out how to override the autofocus. In the meantime, I fooled it by holding up a finger and locking the focus on that, then removing my hand before I took the shot.

My favourite "rock with a personality", which I've photographed before

but not from this angle, in which he looks rather sleepy:

i like the rock!
Your photographs are lovely! How talented you are. I enjoyed my visit here. Michele sent me.
Wonderful photos! I'm fascinated by spiders and rocks.
Our Queen's birthday is 21 April, the day taken to be on 23 April. I'm not sure why the Queen needs an official birthday in June as April is a lovely month in England.
Hi Catherine- - thanks alot, very kind. Pictures are groovy!
I love the photo of the rock! Personality indeed!
you captured the poetry of life...
I just love the photos Catherine. Very creative! Very pleasing to the eye. And I think you are very clever the way you achieved the spiderweb photo.
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