2. I thought it was time for a photo. Nothing too exciting, but this is the hill I have been walking up a few times a week recently.

It seems to be getting easier. Maybe it's time to move to a steeper route. Or was that just the strong wind at my back yesterday? Of course, I am one of the few walkers - lots of people bike up, or jog up. This is near the top where the path levels out before the final rise. I stop just before the final rise and go back down, but one day soon I will go right to the top and take photos of the harbour down the other side.
3. The other day in a bookshop I picked up a small booklet entitled "Premier New Zealand Bestsellers". I was interested to read the sales figures required to be listed. They alter depending on the category: fiction, poetry, non fiction or children's and teen's. Non fiction requires 10,000 for bronze, on through silver and gold up to 100,000 for platinum. Fiction requires 5000 for bronze and 50,000 for platinum whereas poetry requires sales of 1,000 copies for bronze and 5,000 for platinum. This is New Zealand, we only have 4 million people. Still, the figures intrigued me enough to look and see which poetry books had managed to sell 1000 copies. Surely there would be a reasonable number of them? After all our small poetry group put together a book with a print run of 200, which is almost sold out (though some were freebies, review copies etc).
Sadly, I found only three poetry books in the whole list. One platinum bestseller: "Playing God" by Glenn Colquhoun. Well, at least he is a "serious" poet by which I mean that he writes poetry that is taken seriously by the academic poets. He is a doctor, and this particular book contains poems that are informed by his experiences as a doctor. I, and a number of my friends, believe his poetry is overrated. Clearly others don't agree with us.
I went on to find two poetry books listed as gold bestsellers: "Big Weather" which is an anthology of poems about Wellington. There have been similar anthologies of poems for other cities in New Zealand, but they don't rate a mention. Did this one get better publicity or are Wellingtonians more enthusiastic readers of poetry? The other is "Nursery Rhymes Mother Never Read You" by Garrick Tremain. I've seen an extract or two and these are definitely on the populist side of poetry - verse perhaps, rather than poetry, but well done and a lot of fun.
Silver and bronze bestsellers? None. Unless you count a couple of anthologies in the "children's" categories.
Hey everybody! I'm doing my bit. I think I buy more poetry books than anything else. It would be good to think there is actually a market for poetry.
Other bestsellers? Movie buffs will recognise "Once Were Warriors" by Alan Duff and "The Whale Rider" by Witi Ihimaera among the platinum fiction. The other two in this category were one further book for each of these two authors. Among the children's platinum bestsellers, Hairy Maclary was heavily represented. Non-fiction? The top of the list was New Zealand's favourite cookery book, the Edmonds Cookery Book. No real surprise there. Cookery books in general were well represented. Second top best seller was "The Lord of the Rings Location Guidebook".
I really like the photo!
Very nice picture. I'd like to see the harbour.
I love to walk, it composes the mind and settles the soul. Love it.
I can almost taste the fresh air of your walk from here - looks lovely, really lovely.
Mr Maclary gets a fair bedtime bashing here - fantastic books.
That hill looks very impressive. And it looks like a nice walk.
Michele sent me!
Interesting story about Vegemite. We have the Marmite version here but I can't tollerate the stuff. I think that you have to have acquired a taste for it when you are a baby. Both of mine grew up on on it. Me, I had to hold my breath as I spread it on their toast. They loved it then and they are still eating it today. I wish I could join them, but it's too late for me.
I will definitely have to check this out further! Thanks for the alert.
Came here from Michele's and would really like to hike in that country you show in the picture--it's beautiful--but then I'd like to hike most anywhere.
Interesting about the books sold in NZ
Your mention of the Edmonds Cookery Book brought back memories - my Mum used to use it religiously...I'm off to see if I can purchase one from Amazon Japan! BTW beautiful photo.
That hill looks like a lovely place for a walk.
Snopes has evolved into one of my favorite sites to validate or debunk stuff that I've heard. Urban legends don't stand a chance now that it's around.
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