
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Haiku: The Unseen

papery brown bulbs -
hidden deep in the centre
next season's flowers

shadows on grass
darkness shapes forms of
absence of sunlight

from my computer -
invisible signals link
to the worldwide web

More haiku on "the unseen" at onedeepbreath


Julie said...

I love the one about the flower bulbs. What a neat topic to write about for "unseen"

I only wish it was springtime here...

susanlavonne said...

what a nice varied collection...i especially like the thought of shadows as "unseen" sunlight!

Shelley said...

I also particularly like the one about bulbs... such magic. Amazing photos from the hill walk, too!

Annie Jeffries said...

Such beautiful flowers, inside and out.

Crafty Green Poet said...

My favourite is the one about the bulbs too! Lovely thought of the flowers all hidden just waiting....

Endment said...

These are perfection!!!
each one a treasure!

Deb R said...

I love how different each of these is and yet they all work perfectly for the prompt.

Helen said...

These are beautiful. :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the third, seeing that we are linked by the unseen!

meggie said...


I am an expat living in Oz.
Miss NZ, but I am from the Nth Is, but spent most of my married life in the Sth in Chch, which I now find I miss the most!
I love that city.
Loved looking at your familiar pics from the hills- made me homesick again!

Becca said...

Lovely, all of them! I do like your idea about the "unseen" links from the computer to the world at large...very timely and clever!

Mother of Invention said...

From Michele's...Just chose you!
Beauty and how refreshing as we, up here in Canada, say good-bye to the leaves! My husband actually went X-country skiing today!

Nancy Bea Miller said...

Lovely poems! I especially like the image of the papery brown bulbs enclosing next year's flowers. And I think that is the first haiku I have seen on the theme of the internet!

carmilevy said...

I like the connection between nature and technology. Smooth! Beautiful image, too.

Popped in from Michele's tonight.