
Tuesday, June 20, 2006


This week's topic for one deep breath: pathways

summer heat
a bridge over stones
keeps our feet dry

More haiku here


Jennifer S. said...

what a pretty place, I love this image and your haiku...

Deb R said...

What a beautiful photo! I like the Haiku too, and the winter photos in the post above.

Annie Jeffries said...

Beautiful winter beach. My ideal. And a flawless marriage of words and image.

Kay Cooke said...

Pretty and a great haiku - does what a haiku should do; says it all!

Ian russell said...

beautiful image, in poem and photo.

Tammy Brierly said...

Lovely haiku to go with this amazing photo :)

madretz said...

Georgeous! Your photo says it all yet the accompanying haiku lends to it's beauty.

(re: geocaching from your comment on my blog: there's a pull-down menu on the top right where you can search by country. There are 2081 geocaches in New Zealand!
I'll have to read more about orienteering now! :) )

Kim said...

Love the image, and the Haiku is wonderful.

Endment said...

The photo is a haiku when you add the words they come together in perfect partnership.