
Friday, August 01, 2008

Someone's a Little Confused

In New Zealand, roadside stock warning signs tend to show sheep and cattle. In Australia, they are just as likely to show kangaroos. In England and Scotland, especially in Scotland, they warn most commonly of deer or red squirrels (much rarer than the introduced grey squirrel and therefore worthy of protection). We also saw one sign which warned of badgers.

We didn't see the animals nearly as much as we saw the signs, and when we did finally spot a deer, it was in an area where there were no signs. The same happened with the squirrels. Which may just possibly explain this sign, which left us scratching our heads a little...

(Yes, it's a little blurred, since it was taken from a fast-moving car).

Carmi at Writteninc has posted the topic of Signs for his "Thematic Photographic" this week.


Jenn: said...

Funny. In Hawiaa it is the *NENE BIRD* you have to watch out for. Allllll the beautiful trpoical birds in Hawaii, and they choose a goose as their state bird!

We nver saw one.

Jan said...

Sign of the times, all this!

carmilevy said...

I had to pause for a few minutes to let the laughter subside. This is too precious for words...DEFINITELY a great photo for this week's theme.

You've made my day with this.

Mike said...

I don't remember seeing many signs warning about animals. In the mountains in California you see lots of "falling Rock" warning signs.

Michele sent me

smarmoofus said...

hehehe Oh, hilarious! This is too funny. They need to make up there minds... is it a squirrel, or is it a deer? Great photo!


rashbre said...

seems perfectly reasonable to me ;-)