
Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Trip to the Library

The temporary Christchurch central library is situated just north of the cordoned red zone, where a lot of demolition work is going on. So - I never know what things will look like when I go to change my library books.

Here is a small park (actually I think it was used as the set of a children's TV show) just along from the library three weeks ago

and here it is when I went yesterday

I felt incredibly sad to see just how many buildings are disappearing, and there are more to come.

Another from three weeks ago - the tall building behind the crane is the Price Waterhouse tower - soon to be completely gone.

A bit of Christchurch graffiti humour.

There is a new temporary central library opening tomorrow, further south - I may try that one next time, both to see if they have more books (there are still a lot unable to be retrieved from the damaged main library), and to see if the surrounding streetscape is a little less depressing.

1 comment:

Jennifer Compton said...

i love the nom nom joke