
Thursday, August 06, 2009

Poetry Mini Challenge

This is for Jill and Carolee's Double Dog Dare Poetry Mini Challenge over at Readwritepoem. (I'm a day or so late, but what the heck)>

Three poems using a synonym for "dig" as the title of the series, and using words culled from one's notebook, or a magazine or similar.

All words and phrases used come from the programme for the Christchurch Arts Festival

Excavate #1

Within the confines of the city
the wayward workings of memory
peepholes to the chaos
in our heads
Winter becomes a wind tunnel
a bed becomes a boat
directions will be given
to layers of history
On treeless plains
skeletons of extinct birds.
What lies beneath is not to be disclosed.

(Check out the new readwritepoem site, it is fantastic!)


Anonymous said...

"a bed becomes a boat" -- how wonderful!!!!

Mark said...

Not only is the line "A Bed Becomes a Boat" fantastic, but it was true in my case as a boy. I sailed through many lands on my bed. I had Fread (Fred) the Stuffed Panda as my First Mate and we were stout and brave lads...

Wonderful write. Thanks for sharing it with us.